
Playground Drakkar

3D модель детской игровой площадки. Автор идеи Майоров Максим


3D model Playground Drakkar. Medieval ship was wrecked, the mast broke in the Board hole. Children use the sail as a climbing wall. 3D model Playground Drakkar Medieval ship was wrecked, the mast broke in the Board hole. Children use the sail as a climbing wall.3D model Playground Drakkar Medieval ship was wrecked, the mast broke in the Board hole. Children use the sail as a climbing wall.3D model Playground Drakkar Medieval ship was wrecked, the mast broke in the Board hole. Children use the sail as a climbing wall.3D model Playground Drakkar Medieval ship was wrecked, the mast broke in the Board hole. Children use the sail as a climbing wall.3D model Playground Drakkar Medieval ship was wrecked, the mast broke in the Board hole. Children use the sail as a climbing wall

Итоговая реализация проекта в семейном парке «Zамания»

Изготовил Майоров Максим



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